We now live in an attention economy.


A new era will bring winners and losers.



3 out of 4 premium cigar smokers purchase in person.


The rise of the stay-at-home-experience. Tough market conditions, but online stores and subscription services thrive.


Huge growth of global online sales results in fierce competition for consumers attention, with a few players leveraging their market power.

Light ‘em Up GO draws the attention to you.

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Estimate your opportunity, and stop losing online.

Be where you need to be. Be where our users are.


Our users are actively looking for stores and lounge recommendations.

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We are offering value beyond your online store, i.e. virtual events.

We provide a mobile first experience, using audio as primary medium.

Contact us now to become a partner.


P.S. We accept partners in the cigar and cigar accessory business.